Friday, April 23, 2010

An Open Letter to Manufacturers...& Triples News!

Dear food and household item manufacturers:

Yes, you've discovered coupons as a marketing tool. And for that, us savvy shoppers thank you wholeheartedly. But, please please please enough with the coupons that require a purchase of multiple items. We've become quite good at math and those of us fortunate enough to live in areas with stores that double (and sometimes even triple!) coupons, well these types of coupons don't make for much of a bargain at all.

I'm talking to you Kellogg's with your new penchant for $1.25 off 3 of your popular cereal items! These coupons sit in my filing cabinet gathering dust- no one wants to trade for these and seldom smart shoppers actually use these coupons. Where I once would buy dozens of boxes of PopTarts to stockpile over the course of a month or so, I now only only buy one or two during that same time frame. Why oh why did you decide to switch from your 55 cents off one to these and why do you think I would buy three at a time to save roughly 41 cents on each when I used to be able to save $1.10 off each thanks to coupon doubling ($1.65 during a triples event)???

On to a brighter topic, and since we've mentioned triples in this last sentence...Harris Teeter will be having triples again this coming week! Break out those binders and get ready! I'll post a link to match-ups as we get closer.

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