Friday, December 4, 2009

Great day at Kroger!

Haven't posted a trip report in a while, but this one was definitely post (and brag) worthy...

3 dozen Egglands Best eggs
5 bottles of Powerade Zero
3 1.75 qts of Breyer's Ice Cream
2 packs of chicken nuggets for the kiddos
6 Healthy Choice Frozen meals

$3 off $15 frozen foods Kroger Catalina
B1G1 eggs printable
3- .75/1 Breyer's insert qs
6- $2/1 Healthy choice ip's
5 FREE powerades earned from Coke Rewards program

Paid a grand total of $2.95- a savings of 95%!

Made other stops to Lowe's & Harris Teeter today that are less brag-worthy but good for our family - stocked up on gallons of water & apple sauce at HT and boneless/skinless chicken at Lowe's.

Be on the lookout for winetags at all grocers this weekend- particularly those from Yellowtail wines. They currently have $2 off beef and $2 off cheese winetags out.

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