Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Finals - 9/26

Thanks to HT's triples promotions & Rite Aid's Huggies deal, this week was a PHENOMENAL week for saving in our household! All told, I wound up paying $35.67 out of pocket for $476.63 worth of groceries and household items...and I'll be getting $27.99 out of that back in Rite Aid Single Check Rebates and a Kellogg's Special K jeans rebate promotion. When you subtract the rebates I'm anticipating from the total out of pocket, it's as if we've saved a jaw-dropping 98%!

Here is a store-by-store breakdown:

Harris Teeter
Total before sales and coupons: $383.78
Total spent: $13.24
Total saved: $366.05 or 95%

Oh, triple coupon do I love thee? Let me count the 366 ways! I need to get pics up of our growing stockpile because it is truly amazing. We're all set for soups and frozen veggies for the winter thanks to this triples go-round. I am awestruck at how much we got for so little- the GM & GG deals were the icing on the cake this week at HT.

Total before sales and coupons: $19.57
Total spent: $13.24
Total saved: $6.33 or 32%

Kroger is our go to store for cheap cottage cheese and produce specials. Since winetags have been mysteriously elusive for the past few weeks (oh how I miss them!), I was stuck paying full price on most items bought at Kroger- still less money than I would have paid elsewhere for same stuff, so I'm happy.

Lowe's Foods
Total before sales and coupons: $15.76
Total spent: $1.11
Total saved: $14.65 or 95%

One of the few Lowe's stops I make are for rock bottom deals such as the Special K one going on this week. I bought 2 boxes of Special K cereal and three boxes of bars for $1.11 and promptly mailed out the jeans vouchers on each to earn a $10 jeans rebate. I've heard the rebate check is good for anything though! Can you say moneymaker? Love it!

Rite Aid
Total before sales and coupons: $52.57
Total spent: $20.57 (zero out of pocket thanks to a gift card)
Saved: $32 or 60%

Took advantage of Huggies diapers & wipes SCR deal, as well as the Proantinox moneymaker. Should get my September rebate check in the mail in the next couple of weeks. These are processed quickly. I love the SCR program!

Total before sales and coupons: $3.56
Total spent: $3.56
Saved $0

Our Z bar coupons we had on hand expired and hubby needed them so I paid full price. Shame on me, I know. Anyone have any Clif coupons they're willing to spare or trade??

Whole Foods
Total before sales and coupons: $1.39
Total spent: 3 cents (sales tax)
Total saved: $1.39 or 100%

I rarely make stops to Whole Foods due to their regular high prices but did so this week thanks to a free Yo Baby meal coupon and the promise of an October coupon flier featuring a free gallon of milk and free carving pumpkin coupon good for separate weeks (thanks go to Jenny @ SouthernSavers for the fabulous tip!). You'll need to buy something to get this coupon least at the Cary location. They don't have these up front to pick up. A cashier will put one in your bag after ringing up your order.

All in all, this was a blockbuster week for us. How did you fare?


  1. girl, you kill me...

    i've gotta say, though...we've actually been doing more and more shopping at whole foods lately. we've found their store brand to have some items even cheaper in an organic version than the regular stores have (in the brand we typically get). and if you buy some of the items from the bulk section where you measure out just how much you want...those prices are actually often cheaper when compared to regular grocery store prices (not in bulk), too - and organic on top of that! we've been quite pleasantly surprised. we currently get just a few things regularly there (milk is one - their generic without the hormones is cheaper than HT generic - with the hormones), but i think our list might be growing. of course, we still go to HT for most of our stuff, esp with those coupons!! and we just ordered a yogurt maker - hoping that will save us some $$, too. :)

  2. You need to school me on scouting out deals at Whole Foods! Let me know how the yogurt maker works out too...Stella loves her YoBaby yogurt and now that I've run out free q's, I just don't know how we're going to keep stocked on this stuff!
